Library & Bookstore Visits

Facilitating a children’s science book author or illustrator visit is a great way to share the excitement of science through reading with children and community members.  Meeting the author or illustrator of a favorite book can result in inspired readers and customers!

To arrange a children’s science author/illustrator reading, signing, or event please email

Instructions on ordering books and ideas for planning a great event can be found below.

How to Order Books for Your Author/Illustrator Appearance

Please allow at least three weeks before the author/illustrator visit for processing and delivery.

To place an order, email

Orders must be pre-paid.

Before the Visit:

  • Share – Connect with potential attendees to publicize the event.  Create social media posts announcing the date and time of the event. Post flyers and posters in your location and around the community.
  • Invite – Invite local schools and day care students to attend the event.
  • Pre-Order and Display – Order in advance, and then create a display in the front of your location of the author/illustrator’s books with information about the date and time of the event.
  • Contact local outlets – Notify your local newspaper, radio, TV stations about the author/illustrator visit and place a blurb in your newsletter publicizing the visit.